Displaying toys in baskets and trays is beneficial for children of all ages.
We find that children ages 1-4 gravitate towards tray activities while children ages 1-10+ benefit from open-ended toys being stored in our baskets.
Our baskets are great for storing toys and children's belongings from birth.
Once your child is on the move, they will appreciate how easy it is to find what they're looking for when their belongings are stored in storage designed to suit their needs. You might even be surprised at how early they'll learn to put things back, thanks to our purposeful designs.
Our trays are great for confident walkers. Our small Malala tray, for instance, is small and light. Its tray lip has been thoughtfully designed to prevent materials from falling out as your child toddles to their destination.
We also have a variety of larger and versatile trays that are perfect for displaying more complex activities for older children.